Iconic Architecture of the US Air Force Academy

Polaris Hall Join us for Iconic Architecture of the US Air Force Academy on Saturday, December 15, 2018 from 9:15am – 11:15am, at the USAFA Visitor’s Center, 2346 Academy Drive, USAFA. We will meet at the front doors of the Visitor’s Center, then walk a short distance to the Cadet Chapel and the new Polaris Hall. The chapel will be closed next year for renovation so take advantage of this opportunity to photograph iconic architecture.

To get to the Air Force Academy north of Colorado Springs, take I-25 to exit 156. Follow the signs for the North Gate and then continue following signs to the Visitor’s Center. You will need to show a valid photo ID at the gate.

Cadet Chapel

Permanent link to this article: https://www.lonetreephotoclub.com/usafa-iconic-architecture/