The Art of Urban Landscape Photography

Ed Canal presents “The Art of Urban Landscape Photography” on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 7pm, virtually. Virtual Meeting details emailed to members.

Ed Canal Ed Canal, Exist2shoot Photography, will present his techniques that will allow you to take your Urban photography to the next level. Ed will cover what he looks for scouting locations, when he goes out, angles he chooses, lenses that he prefers and most importantly his post-processing toning techniques. Whether you are traveling into Downtown Denver, Europe or somewhere exotic, this presentation will reveal some secrets so that you can transform your normal city photography into works of art.

About Ed Canal:
I am a hobbyist photographer in the Miami Florida area and the only formal education I’ve had in photography was a film developing class I took in the 1990s at a local community college, other than that everything I know and learned about photography has been self taught. Living in Miami allows me great weather all year round and great photography opportunities. My main interest in photography is the urban landscape and how natural light interacts with the shape and texture of the architecture and other structures resulting in interesting leading lines, reflections and juxtapositions in the images. I love shooting with medium format as it produces great dynamic range and detail in the image. I use Lightroom and Photoshop to do all my photo editing and really enjoy experimenting in the digital darkroom especially color grading my images. Follow me on Instagram: @exist2shoot.
Ed Canal

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