Category: Presentations

PhotoWorkflo – Bring Order to the Chaos

PhotoWorkflo Collections Ex Public Profile

Patti Hallock presents “PhotoWorkflo – Bring Order to the Chaos” on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at 7pm, Lone Tree Civic Center. Arrive 15 minutes early for social time, to visit with your fellow club members and meet some new folks. The program is 7pm – 9pm. PhotoWorkflo provides the tools necessary to organize your …

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Luminosity Masking – The HDR Alternative

Erik Holladay-McCann

Erik Holladay-McCann presents “Luminosity Masking – The HDR Alternative” on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 7pm, Lone Tree Civic Center. Arrive 15 minutes early for social time, to visit with your fellow club members and meet some new folks. The program is 7pm – 9pm. Learn: How to build luminosity masks How to use these …

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Noise Reduction in Night Photography Images

Darren White Photography

Darren White presents “Noise Reduction in Night Photography Images” on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 at 7pm, Lone Tree Civic Center. Arrive 15 minutes early for social time, to visit with your fellow club members and meet some new folks. The program is 7pm – 9pm. If you have an issue with noise in your night …

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All Things Photography Discussion

The LTPC will gather for an “All Things Photography” discussion on Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 7pm, Lone Tree Civic Center. Ever just wanted to talk with other photographers? Wondering where that image you have admired was taken and what type of equipment was used? Join us as we share tips, tricks and ideas related …

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Wildlife Photography: My Art & My Life

Weldon Lee presents “Wildlife Photography: My Art & My Life” on Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 7pm, Lone Tree Civic Center. Arrive 15 minutes early for social time, to visit with your fellow club members and meet some new folks. The program is 7pm – 9pm. The following definition of art by Edgar Allen Poe, …

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Unlocking Your Post-Processing Workflow: Photoshop Simplified

Tony Kuyper Photography

Joseph Roybal presents “Unlocking Your Post-Processing Workflow: Photoshop Simplified” on Wednesday, January 16, 2019, 7pm at Lone Tree Civic Center. Arrive 15 minutes early for social time, to visit with your fellow club members and meet some new folks. The program is 7pm – 9pm. We will demystify Photoshop and build an understanding of the …

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Weird & Wonderful Composite & Photo Manipulation Tools & Techniques

Dale Ralph

Dale Ralph presents “Weird & Wonderful Composite & Photo Manipulation Tools & Techniques” on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 at 7pm, Lone Tree Civic Center. Arrive 15 minutes early for social time, to visit with your fellow club members and meet some new folks. The program is 7pm – 9pm. Do you find reality just a …

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Contact With the Mythic

Steve O'Bryan

Steve O’Bryan presents “Contact With the Mythic” on Wednesday, September 19, 2018 at 7pm, Lone Tree Civic Center. Arrive 15 minutes early for social time, to visit with your fellow club members and meet some new folks. The program is 7pm – 9pm. Steve will discuss what to consider: What personally draws us to take …

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Creativity & Inspiration

3 Peaks Photography

Mike Pach presents “Creativity & Inspiration” on Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at 7pm, Lone Tree Civic Center. Arrive 15 minutes early for social time, to visit with your fellow club members and meet some new folks. The program is 7pm – 9pm. Attendees will learn about the process of creativity, how to tap into their …

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Under Tanzanian Skies

Russ Burden Nature Photography Tours

Russ Burden presents “Under Tanzanian Skies” on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 at 7pm, Lone Tree Civic Center. Arrive 15 minutes early for social time, to visit with your fellow club members and meet some new folks. The program is 7pm – 9pm. Russ Burden will give a two part presentation: Part 1 is an instructional …

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