Organizations and Associations
Nature Photographers Network is organized as a forum. Members post images for comments and critiques. Members are friendly, talented and forthcoming with comments and critiques.
Professional Photographers of America – PPA is the world’s largest nonprofit association for professional photographers, the local PPC chapter in metro Denver, Professional Photographers of Colorado actively offers classes and workshops.
Wedding & Portrait Photographers – WPPI is a trade organization and forum for wedding & portrait photographers.

Photographers and Resources
Architecture Photography Resources includes tips on architectural and real estate photography.
Nature and Photography ~ Rob Sheppard Rob also holds photography workshops.
Colorado Captures ~ Mike Berenson
Online Training
Creative Live offers online courses that may either be watched live for free, or you can pay to download them later. Industry professional instructors include Lindsay Adler, Tony Corbell, Mark Wallace.
Kelby One (formerly NAPP) offers online courses from Scott Kelby and the World’s Best Instructors.
Tim Grey is a digital imaging expert and offers seminars on various topics in a variety of locations. Grey Learning hosts online courses on digital imaging and travel.
Education Resources
LTPC posts additional education resources for tools and tips, how tos, reference materials, learning opportunities, seminars and workshops.