Apps that help Photographers be Better Photographers

Gary White presents “Apps that help Photographers be Better Photographers” on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 7pm, Lone Tree Civic Center.

Arrive 30 minutes early for social time, to visit with your fellow club members and meet some new folks. The program is 7pm – 9pm.

Gary will give a high level overview of some smartphone and tablet apps that are now commonplace. There are many that can help photographers improve their craft. There are many more that can help photographers find inspiration, find places to shoot, and preplan their shots months, or even years, in advance for any location in the world. We’ll explore some of the top apps that can help you as a photographer in each of these areas as well as a few that can help you stay organized.

Apps for Photographers

About Gary White:
I caught the photography bug in the late 1970’s through a high school photography class. My passion for photography was rejuvenated in 2004 with the transition to digital photography and an introduction to the digital dark room through Photoshop Elements. I enjoy all types of shooting: Travel, Wildlife / Birding, Macro photography, and Portraiture. I enjoy learning new photography techniques, exploring different genres of photography, and pushing myself. I’m a member of PPA and have started a part-time photography business, Columbine Photography, as an Encore Career. I’ve been a member of the SW Photo Club for 3 years and I’m currently our club’s Program Director. Lastly, I’ve also edited two photography e-books, Macro Photography: Zero to Sixty and Travel Photography: Zero to Sixty for my good friend and mentor, Joe Klocek.

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